Volunteerism and outreach

Dr Sheikh Tawhidul Islam strongly believes in volunteerism and thus participated in different means and capacities in a number of such kinds of volunteer activities. He fosters existing volunteer activities and, in some cases, he actively contributed in developing volunteer networks. CARN-AP (Climate Action Resource Network – Asia Pacific) is one of the international volunteer network were Dr Islam is working as a founding member.

Volunteerism through mapping (Youth Mappers, JU Chapter)

Open mapping becomes popular in recent times where the youths are actively participating. Open mapping facilitates open data sources for humanitarian applications and to engage common people with location-based exercises from problem assessments to provide solutions, thus promoting citizen science. Dr Islam fosters such activities at Jahangirnagar university where male-female student volunteers participate. The student mappers/volunteers of the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS receive recognitions and prizes in global level competitions.